
TIST Farmer Jeniffer Kithure Explains the Benefits of TIST

Benefits of

Planting Trees

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TIST Benefits

The TIST Program provides numerous types of benefits across a range of operational areas. These benefits are created by a broad diversity of people in different climates and conditions. Because the TIST Program is voluntary, benefits are not evenly distributed; rather, they are created and accessed at the discretion of each TIST member.

Here is a partial list of benefits created from trees, the Small Group structure and TIST project management:

Benefits of Trees

Trees provide shade from the hot tropical sun, cooling homes and allowing grass for cows to grow

Trees provide a windbreak that keeps the laundry on the line, and the roof on the house

Trees prevent erosion on steep or hilly areas

Trees provide fruit to eat and to sell

Trees provide food and shelter for bees that make honey to eat and to sell

Trees along streams or rivers clean and retain the water and protect the banks

Trees provide firewood for the family without long and dangerous walks to a forest

Trees provide medicines from the bark

Trees provide fodder that keep cattle alive during drought

Trees provide fertilizer for the farm and garden

Benefits of Small Groups

Opportunities to work together on a joint project

Opportunities for leadership experience and growth

Opportunities to work together to implement improved farming practices

Opportunities to make joint financial decisions

Opportunities to learn together about health, or farming, or food

Opportunities to discuss ways to improve farms

Opportunities to develop best practices and share them with others

Opportunities to support each other in times of need

Benefits of TIST's Approach to Project Management

Opportunities to learn from each other and gather information they need in Seminars

Opportunities to "Go and Do" with energy and without hindrance

Opportunities to learn technical and administrative skills

Opportunities to develop local organizational approaches

Opportunities to learn and use group facilitation skills
Opportunities to travel, teach and encourage other TIST farmers

Opportunities to measure results and assure quality

TIST Benefits & United Nations SDGs

TIST touches on all 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals!

 TIST Newsletters

See the real life benefits of TIST in our in-country newsletters written by farmers and leaders!

TIST Stories

Real life stories from TIST Farmers who are transforming their lives, ensuring better futures for their children and improving local communities by planting trees.