Donate Your Talent!

Donate Your Talent!

We welcome volunteers of all shapes and sizes, currently we are most in need of:

  • Digital animators to create cartoon instructional videos for Conservation Farming, Best Practices, farmer on-boarding, etc.

  • Researchers who can find the best videos and resources for health (especially maternal/reproductive health), hygiene, sanitation, waterborne illnesses, etc.

  • Volunteers to teach photography and storytelling on-site in country to TIST Cluster Servants and farmers

  • Volunteers to install solar systems and build safe ecological cooking stoves on-site in country

  • Volunteers to teach basic computer skills, basic accounting and business analysis on-site in country

  • Content writers to create original content about forestation, Conservation Farming, Best Practices, Small Groups, sustainability, tree planting, climate change, etc.

  • PHP/MySQL developers, especially those with knowledge of Drupal 9