Joseph Wanganga Njoroge

Joseph actively encourages other farmers to take up tree planting alongside him as he continues to plant and nurture his growing trees.


As a TIST Farmer, Joseph Wanganga Njoroge has chosen to plant trees as well as keep domestic animals.

His Small Group is Mukoe Tree Planters B (2008KE527) in Suguroi Cluster in Nanyuki, Kenya, and together they have planted over 2,500 trees.

On a normal day, Joseph tends to his trees, which include Cupressus Lusitanica, Grevillea Robusta, and other varieties such as Avocado trees that provide him with different fruits. He also tends to his four cows that provide him with milk for home consumption and milk to be sold.

The money he earns from selling fruits and cow milk, combined with the carbon income he receives through the TIST Program, helps Joseph purchase food that he is not able to grow and produce on his farm. He happily reported that he just received his most recent carbon payment in July!

Joseph actively encourages other farmers to take up tree planting alongside him as he continues to plant and nurture his growing trees.