Julia Wangui Mathara

Julia leads by example and proudly walks us through her farm where she has grown avocado, grevillea, apples, tree tomatoes – all with the abundance of love and care that is only befitting to a true mama.​


Apart from the immediate warmth that envelopes anyone who comes in the presence of Julia, there is another and perhaps a more literal reason why she is popularly called Mama Tree by those in her community in Laikipia County, Kenya.

In the local market, you will often see her selling seedlings and encouraging everyone to join TIST. Her belief that “it can uplift your life” is motivated by her own experience of being part of the program for twelve years and enjoying its benefits.

Like most mamas, she shares these benefits with everyone else in her community, her Church, and local women’s groups. So, she trains them to practice Conservation Farming, grow trees which generate carbon credits, build raised seedbeds, and grow diverse plants.

Julia leads by example and proudly walks us through her farm where she has grown avocado, grevillea, apples, tree tomatoes – all with the abundance of love and care that is only befitting to a true mama.

We know her community will continue to benefit from the pearls of wisdom she doles out with a side of seedlings every day!